Friday 1 June 2012

Last Chance To Fine Tune...

I just came across this heading when reading about England's preparation for the Euro 2012. Seemed kind of destined for my heading. CFA Level 2 Exams tomorrow. And it is the last chance to fine tune.

I just finalised my strategy for today. I am to give 30 mins for each topic instead of a haphazard frenzied studying /solving schedule as I have followed for the past few days. It will take me 5 hours then to revise / glance over all the core concepts. With luck I should be done by 9 pm including breaks. Unfortunately it has taken me more than half a day to finalize this strategy...and now I am blogging - wasting more time ;-)

Some stats I came across... 60% of the Level 2 examinees are re-takers. So what are the chances that they are better prepared (at least than me)? With the average pass rate between 35 - 40%...where do I think are my chances??? Thats a no-brainer! However the motto is "Never give up till the last die has been cast."

And that reminds me - cant wait to get to Genting to cast the die. Exams, sweet exams, will be over tomorrow. Tra la laaaa...

Thursday 24 May 2012

CFA Level 2 Mock Exams Results

Gave the free CFA Level 2 Mock Exams provided by the CFA Institute website. Gave the morning session exams today. Scored a pathetic 58%. Oh dear! Where am I headed?

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Holy Cow! 10 Days to go...CFA Level 2

Where did the days fly away? Just 10 days to go...Practice, revise and more of the same to do. When I am revising Heteroskedasticity, I forget about the convexity of a bond ...and so on. PBO, Gamma, Delta, Ibbotson Chen, t- value, p- value, apparently i have revised what the f*&k are they? I have never been more confused. Hope it all falls together by 3rd June.

What is the pass percentage of Level 2? Plan to take the CFA mock exam today - in proper exam like conditions. Will definitely update the results here.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

A Few Days Before Level 2 CFA...

18 days to go before CFA Level 2...Where has the time flown? I feel like a fraud. I dont seem to be knowing anything! Here is a post I made on my list of to dos for the next few days.

Wish me all the best!

Saturday 18 February 2012

CFA Level 2 Prep ...

My day or two as usual got extended, though not by much.

Sigh - when will I learn to keep to my schedules?

So the next schedule is - finish Eco and FRA by 5th March - as suggested by a study partner.

I better keep to this schedule...grrrr

Wednesday 15 February 2012

CFA Level 2

So the prep has started for Level 2! It does seem to be a long and steep journey. All the people who have cleared Level 1 will definitely be looking at clearing the next two steps. So more focussed exminees - out of which just 40 odd percent will make it to level 3.

Will be posting my prep steps. Have just started with small baby steps for Lvl 2. Started with Econ but quit half way. Now I am doing Time Series. Hoping to complete both Econ and Quanti in a day or two so i can proceed to FRA. I am not looking at doing Practice Questions now...wonder if that will affect later.

Happy preparing to all of you who are appearing for Level 2 in June 2012!