I am in the middle of Quants now. Study Session 2. I hope to complete Study Session 3 and Quantitative Methods by by 14th February.
Taking an average of a week for each Study Session. My study schedule should look like
Study Session 4 - 21st Feb
SS 5 - 28th Feb
SS 6 - 7th March
SS 7 - 14th March
SS 8 - 21st March
SS 9 - 28th March
SS 10- 4th April
SS 11 -11th April
SS 12 - 18th April
SS 13 - 25th April
SS 14 - 2nd May
SS 15 - 9th May
SS 16 - 16th May
SS 17 - 23rd May
SS 18 - 30th May
No - this schedule WILL NOT work! For one - I would like to have at least 15 days for revision and this schedule doesnt include Study Session 1 ie Ethics - which I have left to do a bit later.
I will have to reschedule. Give ma ah Daayh.
This is zilch!